We all have them. Stories. And each of us has to tell them. Regularly. And to anyone who will listen.
My STory
Growing up I knew that I was either going to be a lab scientist or a public speaker/entertainer. Combine studying spiders as an "independent study" in third grade with breaking into dance at the Kitchen Kabaret ride at Epcot, and that about sums about the direction I was headed in. Thanks to a number of incredibly powerful teachers in high school, I realized that my desire to explore the sciences and need to work with people could be equally met through my becoming an educator.
After graduating college, I was lucky enough to begin work in a district that valued rigorous education and understood the power of relationships. Within days of entering the field, I understood the importance of this quote :
“It is always all about the reationships.”
Frank's comment, made to me early in my first year, has served as a guiding principle of my learning and leading, and, in many ways, has encouraged me to move forward in my career with a spotlight always on the people first.
My time as a middle school science teacher and department chair was a decade that I will always cherish. I've become a better educator, and better person, for all that my students and fellow educators taught me.
When I moved into regional roles, first as a regional science coordinator, then as an assistant director, and currently as a director of curriculum, I took with me the necessity of remembering that relationships mean everything. I learned that there is a great big world of education outside of our current schools and districts, and in all cases, collaboration is the only real way to bring down walls and make learning and leading meaningful for us all.
Whether working with districts on curriculum projects, or helping to hash out the design of a three-day professional learning series, I relish working with others; I can only get better if I take the time to learn from those around me.
My story is far from over, and I'm looking forward to continuing down pathways of both self-discovery and collaborative inquiry, always making sure that the people, and the relationships are the driving force.
Where My Story Has Taken ME. . .
Click here to see how my story has taken shape so far.