One of my colleagues has been out for an extended leave. It was due to a necessary surgery that came about unexpectedly. He happens to be a very even-keeled person, and has been an inspiration to me as I wonder, for instance, how would I conduct myself if I was in his shoes?
There is much to be learned in the reaction and behavior of others; we truly have a lot to learn from reflection.
One of the greatest parts of the agency I work for is the outpouring of support that comes when both positive and negative situations arise. Whether it be caring through cards, a call or kind word, or the giving of gifts, I’m lucky to work for an agency whose vision could simply be “We Care.”
And, through working for this organization, I’ve changed in many ways to become more careful about caring; thinking first about the people and lastly about the given product that may result.
My supervisor and I went up to visit our colleague yesterday evening and were happy to see him in good spirits, and feeling well both physically and emotionally. There was a predictable path ahead of him, and benchmarks along the way to help him focus on taking it one day at a time.
We had a great opportunity to chat, and were also able to present him with a number of gifts from our agency. As I watched his face as he opened the gifts, it was clear that he was truly touched. His slow response, and the tone of his voice, showed clearly that he not only felt cared for, but this tremendous support had also helped him further solidify his caring for the organization as a whole.
“Care” is something that can be given easily, but is rarely given lightly. Organizations that are built with “care” as a foundation are more likely to also be supported through relationships. And by relying on people first, those organizations can grow as their people do, and continue to always get better.