“We Have to Show Growth” - #Blog365 Day 171

“Growth” is a word that has taken on a very different meaning since becoming a key part of many state evaluation plans (and playing a newsbyte-worthy role in our Secretary of Education’s hearing).

While no one would ever claim that “growth” shouldn’t be a goal of our work with learners, it has become a bit of a rallying cry for those who have taken umbrage with the current state of affairs around educator evaluation.

While this blog isn’t meant to focus on the merits (or lack thereof) of growth as an evaluative tool, it is meant to help me remember that growth has tremendous value, and as such, should be something that I always strive for in my work as a leader and a learner. After all, we can’t learn if we don’t grow.

And while growth may be fit with wrong turns and growing pains, in the end, despite all the obstacles we might encounter, we become better prepared for life, learning, and leading through continuous improvement.

So, despite the challenge of “growth” as an evaluative measure, we need to make sure we welcome it in all our work, whether it be in the classroom with students or in our buildings or districts with others. So, let’s value “showing growth” and continue to push ourselves to always get better.