“All Caught Up” - #Blog365 Day 251

This morning, just for a moment, I felt all caught up. It’s rare that I feel this way often. Part of it is my issue, as I seem to always add more to my plate once my plate is clear. But, in other cases, I truly am able to complete all I have on my “To Do” list.

And, for a small moment this morning, that was the case, even though I felt like I should have more to do.

There is something incredibly powerful to being all caught up. When we feel as if we’ve completed all that we need to, our minds can rest and relax, and while we always want to keep thinking, there is also a need, from time-to-time, to let our minds be open.

This need to rest and recharge our mind’s batteries is one that we can often forget. In fact, there was a really interesting article in Nautilus about working less hard, and how many of our most intelligent and creative thinkers, like Charles Darwin, routinely worked very short days, and then took a walk, simply sat, or found something else to focus on.

Today, we see working continuously as being a status symbol, and as such, we are rarely, if ever, truly caught up. This is an area I need to work on, particularly because I enjoy the work that I do very much, and want to keep doing that work, even if I don’t have anything that is entirely pressing.

Still, there is tremendous value in letting our minds wander, if for no other reason than it allows us to think creatively, and experience the things around us that we might not otherwise.