We all need to run through our work from time-to-time. Run-throughs are great ways to not only test what we know, but also test what we don’t. And, all good run-throughs help to humble us and keep us grounded. Sometimes we need to put our own faults on display, in order to energize ourselves to keep growing.
Such was the case on Wednesday evening when I got together with a few colleagues who will be joining me to present at an upcoming conference. While our work is basically done, Wednesday marked the first time that we had actually given our presentation a go. And, while there was clearly work that remains that we each had to do, it felt good to know that a month before the presentation, we were giving it the first test-run.
For me, I have to make sure that I work to tighten up my speaking parts, give some cleaner examples, and monitor my airtime. Sometimes, as I’m letting an idea develop, I continue talking when I should really just stop speaking. That said, the experience left me feeling energized for the presentation, and feeling further connected with the subject matter.
The best part about run-throughs is that they are just that. There is no expectation that they will be perfect, nor is there any belief that they have to be anything other than just a trial. Like learning to walk, trial runs in any area or field are meant to give us the experience we need to deliver at our best when the time comes. While it can be hard to work ahead enough to give ample trial time, the benefit of good practice, and the benefit of seeing and hearing ourselves when we are the only audience, can be exactly what we need to make the most of any given situation.