“A Much Needed Space” - #Blog365 Day 287

As I’ve written about previously, we’ve been doing some work on our basement over the last few weeks. That work is now basically done. So, my wife and I began shifting some of our items from place-to-place, in part, to try out how things would look, and also to begin to alleviate some of the storage stress we’ve faced in other parts of our home.

This will clearly be a work in progress, and when it comes to thinking about space usage, it always makes sense to consider the myriad of ways we can use a given location.

In our homes, schools, and buildings, how we use space makes all the difference. It isn’t necessarily that we have to design new spaces to allow for new learning. But rather, we have to rethink our use of current space to allow for the most effective learning to happen.

While it is great to have the resources available to build a new building or add to a school (or even a home), sometimes, we have to look at what we have and repurpose, rethink, redo. Certainly, even the most minor repurposing requires resources to happen, but, there is something that one gets from using a space that exists already in a different fashion that is missing when we just add on to existing space.

I’m a believer in the idea that how we envision our use of space greatly impacts how we do our work of learning and leading. If we provide space design that allows for us to do more, and we provide the training and support to those who will be using the space, we can show the value of repurposing a location, and make a space that previously existed into one that is much needed.