“The Final Step”

We’ve spent the last few months doing some work around our house, and we’ve gotten to the point where we’re just about done (for now). Just like in our professional lives, the good work is never really done, but, we’ve hit a point where we’re ready to stop and enjoy what we’ve accomplished.

There’s one step left, and that is putting together a new desk for our new office, and then moving everything from our current office to the new space. As I unpacked the box with all the parts for the new desk, I was both excited and a bit saddened by the milestone. I enjoy doing work around the house, as it provides me with time to lose myself in the work, and truly be mindful. I find that I’m not mindful enough in general; I’m always worried about what came before, and what is still to come, and that makes it hard for me to sometimes enjoy all that is happening around me.

We all have these experiences in our lives, both personally and professionally, that we look forward to in order to get lost in. And, when things change, and we’ve reached the final step of whatever process we’re engaged in, we often feel both a sense of accomplishment and a sense of loss.

What all this work on the house has taught me is that I need to do a better job actively seeking out activities that I can lose myself in. Whether it be building furniture, gardening, or taking a walk, I can allow myself to just be.

So, while the final step of this house work process is both excellent and unfortunate, I find that what I’ve learned, as well as what we’ve built, is tremendously valuable.